Eclipson Model-Y - 04

Eclipson Model-Y - 04

Printing Attempt 04

Feedback from Facebook indicated I should disable the "combing mode" because it disabled retraction.

Profile: Fine
Layer Height: 0.2
Wall Thickness: 0.4
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0
Infill Density: 0
Enable Retraction: Checked
Retraction Distance: 6mm
Retraction Extra Primer Amount: 0
Combing Mode: Off

At 11% no major issues

At 87% no issues.

Print completed in a bit over 5 hours

Minor issue found with the support tab on the trailing edge.

The surface is not "tight".
Lack of "tightness" more noticeable here.

No stringing on the build bed of the wing.

Oposite side we had adhesion problems when the wing wall thickness changed. This is intended to allow the outer wing sections to connect.

Conclusion is while the wing did complete printing with minor issues. layer adhesion issues were significant on the top side of the print. Will have to change parameters and reprint.


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