Eclipson Model-Y - 01 to 03

Eclipson Model-Y 01 to 03

Downloaded the Wing_C.stl

Print attempt 01

Loaded Cura 3.2.1 using the standard settings for the CR-10
Modified the following settings:
Profile: Fine
Layer Height: 0.2
Wall Thickness: 0.4
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0
Infill Density: 0
Enable Retraction: Checked
Retraction Distance: 5mm

Saved file to SD
Leveled bed CR-10
Put painter tape on CR-10
Used Glue-Stick on print area

Started the print the normal way.

Monitored the first layers closely to ensure there were no issues.

Noticed some minor imperfections on the trailing side but didn't think they were important.

Significant issues started to appear 50mm up. the stringing on was very significant on a a nozzle travel path.
 This problem was to important to ignore and I stoped the print. Closer examination of the part and the Cura layer view confirmed that the stringing happened on the nozzle travel path.

Further examination of the part revealed an "elephant foot" imperfection

Print Attempt 02

Loaded Cura 3.2.1 using the standard settings for the CR-10
Modified the following settings:
Profile: Fine
Layer Height: 0.2
Wall Thickness: 0.4
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0
Infill Density: 0
Enable Retraction: Checked
Retraction Distance: 5mm
Retraction Extra Primer Amount: 5mm^3

Sliced with Cura setting the "Retraction Extra Primer Amount" parameter to: 5mm^3

Re-leveled the bed so that the nozzle was "a tad" further from the bed. We used the normal "paper under the nozzle method" during the "auto-leveling procedure". We leveled it so that the paper was barely being grabbed by the nozzle.

Restarted the print

Unfortunately we had to stop the print again because of [xxx] defects.

Changing the single "Retraction Extra Prime Amount" parameter to 5mm^3 caused this side effect.
More information is needed before we can proceed.

Printing Attempt 03

Fellow online indicated that he had used Retraction distance of 6mm 

Profile: Fine
Layer Height: 0.2
Wall Thickness: 0.4
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0
Infill Density: 0
Enable Retraction: Checked
Retraction Distance: 6mm
Retraction Extra Primer Amount: 0

Print failed again. The stringing was still there

Three attempts and no success. 

I put a call-for-help in Facebook. Will try again tomorrow.


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